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Laurel Ann Nattress

author : Laurel Ann Nattress

Writer, blogger, and editor of Jane Austen Made Me Do It, a short story anthology published in 2011 by Ballantine Books, Laurel Ann is a life-long admirer of Jane Austen, Masterpiece PBS, and historical fiction. For over 12 years she has been the author/editor of, a blog devoted to the oeuvre of her favorite author. A life member of the Jane Austen Society of North America, she has been a contributor to the Jane Austen Centre online magazine, PBS, and Jane Austen's Regency World Magazine. An expatriate of southern California, Laurel Ann lives in a country cottage near Snohomish, Washington where it rains a lot. Follow her on Twitter as @Austenprose, and visit her on Facebook as Laurel Ann Nattress.\n\n\n

Laurel Ann Nattress Book Series